How Indoor Grow Lights Could Be Useful For Your Garden How Indoor Grow Lights Could Be Useful For Your GardenHow Indoor Grow Lights Could Be Useful For Your Garden onUnload="exitwindow()"


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Indoor Grow Lights Could Be Useful For Your Garden

Grow lights for plant that are kept in door should aim to produce the most advantageous light for the plant to be exposed to. Naturally, gardening outdoors is the best way to grow, but for people living in a residence that doesn’t have a private yard, indoor gardening is a wonderful alternative. When plants are grown outdoors, they rely on sunlight to provide them with a full light spectrum range. Because there is not enough sunlight available indoors, hydroponic lights are used to imitate what the sun's light spectrum can do for plants.

Indoor gardening is also a great option for those living in harsh climates where plants have a hard time growing, such as in the desert during the hot summers. If you want to be an eco friendly champion, the best option is to set you indoor garden next to a window with plenty of natural light, if your house has such a space. You’ll save money on grow lights and your power bill.

LED bulbs are much more environmentally friendly than fluorescent bulbs. Though the LED plant light was initially used for display screens in electronics but have now been introduced to all kinds of settings, just at home use, office use and most of all, to grow indoor plants. Indoor grow lights are commonly used in hydroponics to provide lighting to plants. This is because, for an indoor garden, indoor grow lights are a suitable alternative to sunlight. When deciding what kind or kinds of indoor grow lights might work best for your hydroponic "babies," consult with a professional or research supplier websites.

Plants need light for photosynthesis, and thus if you are growing plants indoors, you need to compensate for the lack of sunlight. What you are trying to do is recreate sunlight for your plants, and this is where grow lights come into play. Of course, grow lamps are not as bright as sunlight, so indoor gardeners typically leave the lights turned on the plants for a longer length of time than natural light might occur outdoors.

There is an easy way to tell if your plants are too close to the grow lights. Simply place your hand just above your plants. If you can feel any heat on your hand that is coming from the light, then your plants are too close. Move the light up higher until you can no longer feel any heat touching the plants.

The LED indoor grow lights are highly efficient and burn at much lower temperatures. They are more expensive than the rest, but that is paid back with not having to use a cooling system. The lights use only 20%-30% of the electricity the other systems use. That will reduce the cost of the electricity bill. Another important point to remember is that as the plants grow, they get closer to the light bulb. So, even if you had the light at the proper distance from your plants, you may need to move it again.

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