Role of hydroponic and HPS grow lights in the fuller growth of the indoor plants Role of hydroponic and HPS grow lights in the fuller growth of the indoor plantsRole of hydroponic and HPS grow lights in the fuller growth of the indoor plants onUnload="exitwindow()"


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Role of hydroponic and HPS grow lights in the fuller growth of the indoor plants

Some of the gardeners are able to arrange some sunlight for their indoor plants through having enough windows around. If you don’t have such set up, you can use hydroponic grow lights. Fluorescent lights are also used to provide light, which is vital for the growth of indoor plants, but such type of low intensity light is appropriate for seedlings and the plants which need little light. So, for the fuller growth, the option of fluorescent lights is not that good. High intensity discharge lights are needed for the growth of more than 6 inches.

You can either use such lights independently inside your indoors or can also use it in a sun room, where it would add to the strength and vitality of the plants. Grow lights are an important part of hydroponic supplies that cannot be compromised, as without appropriate grow lights you cannot grow healthy indoor plants.

Lights help in speedy growth of the plants because of their natural need for photosynthesis. So the indoor gardeners use different types of indoor grow lights. You can find LED grow lights, HPS grow lights and discount grow lights in some of the stores but all these are not the same lights. HPS grow lights are high pressure sodium lights and they resemble very closely to the sunlight. That is the reason it is very popular with indoor plant growers.

These lights are a source of red and orange color spectrum, which is considered to be vital for the growth, maturity, fruiting and flowering of the plant. For vegetation, blue light spectrum is ideal but it needed more in the initial stages of the plant and is not very much effective when the plant is fully grown. HPS indoor grow lights are long lasting and energy efficient but these lights are amazingly powerful as the intensity produced by them is six times higher than that of incandescent bulbs.

Plant grow lights such as HPS lamps are used along with other indoor equipment, such as ballast, reflectors, cooling system and a metal halide light bulb. A metal halide light bulb emits blue spectrum light, so if an HPS lamp and a metal halide lamp are placed in the same reflector, the resultant light is the most vital light needed for the comprehensive growth of the plant and it provides sufficient nutrition to the plant since the time it is in the form of a seedling till it grows up fully and attains maturity.

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