Organic Hydroponic Nutrients – the Main Advantages Organic Hydroponic Nutrients – the Main AdvantagesOrganic Hydroponic Nutrients – the Main Advantages onUnload="exitwindow()"


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Organic Hydroponic Nutrients – the Main Advantages

A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that hydroponic growing and organic growing can never go together. But just because you aren’t using soil to grow your plants, and may be growing indoors, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use organic nutrients. In fact, organic fertilizers like guano, kelp, and worm castings can prove to be wonderfully effective in any hydroponic garden.

Here of some of the most powerful reasons why you should really consider using organic hydroponic nutrients in your garden.

Little Risk of “Nutrient Burn” - While there is no denying that synthetic hydroponic nutrients can create some amazing yields, it has to be done very carefully. If you are little too sloppy with your measurements, or accidentally make your nutrient solution too dense, you run to the rink of “burning” your roots from over fertilizing.
This is much less of a concern with organic hydroponic nutrients. Since they are completely natural and derived form natural risk, there is a greater margin or error. There is a lot smaller risk of ever using too much of these nutrients, so you don’t have to worry quite as much about using too much of the fertilizer.

Good Microbe Environment - One of the most powerful hydroponic supplements that you can use in your garden is beneficial microbes. These are mostly used as a root booster, but they have a number of other advantages as well. While they can be powerful, you need to make certain that you give the best possible environment for your bacteria to thrive.

One of the best ways to ensure that really beneficial microbe environment is using organic hydroponic nutrients. They are often loaded with a lot of carbohydrates and other materials that beneficial microbes can use to grow and thrive. This can save you a lot of money and help make your microbes be a lot more effective.

Increased Nutrients - There are some studies that suggest that using organic hydroponic can actually increase the nutrient and mineral levels in your hydroponically grown fruits and vegetables. This increased overall levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants means that your produce will be a lot healthier. While hydroponically grown produce is already a lot healthier for you than the produce that you might find in your grocer store’s produce aisle, using organic hydroponic nutrients can really push your nutrient over the top.

Fetch a Higher Price - If you grow hydroponically for a profit, you can proudly note that your fruits, vegetables or flowers were grown using only organic hydroponic nutrients. As you may have noticed when you go down to the grocery store, things that are grown organically always fetch a higher price than those items grown with synthetic nutrients and pesticides. This will also allow you to tap into a niche market, and maybe even find that you can sell more of your product just by advertising that you use organic ingredients.